Thursday, August 9, 2007

All's Well

It has come to my attention that some of my very kind and generous readers have been concerned about my well-being since reading this post. I realized I'd better update you all, and let you know that:

a) I have found and hired a new nanny!! (Woot!)
b) I have found and hired an accountant! (W$$t!)
c) The green carpet is still here but is spread out on the living room floor where it looks far less attractive but is comfy for the kids to play on until it is sold!
d) I got all nursery school paper work in except Lyle's medical forms which will be done tomorrow!

Thanks to all of the above, I have been a lot more relaxed this week - despite the fact that it's been a fabulous week of nose-running, eye swelling, coughing, fever, and vomiting from the other three members of my household (not all symptoms have been present in all three dudes, thankfully; only poor Lyle had them all at once).

1 comment:

kristen spina said...

Glad to hear you are on the upswing. Hope the boys are feeling much much better very very soon.