Monday, March 10, 2008

Yes. No. Maybe.

Yes, I am aware that it is Materialistic Monday.

No, I am not prepared.

Yes, I will be at the friggin' nursery school "gala" fund raiser this evening, drinking wine and finding another $100 worth of items to bid on in the auction so that we'll have met our friggin' $500 per family annual fund-raising goal.

Yes, I do think they should just raise the tuition by $500 per year and leave me alone with the fund-raising, already.

Yes, I'll be praying that someone bids on my donated speech-language evaluation so that I don't have to purchase anything else at all.

No, I'm not bitter. Why do you ask?

Maybe, if I buy something really fantastic, I'll try it out on the way home and post about it later. But I doubt it.

Yes, you do have to come back another day for my Materialistic Monday post because I'm cookin' up a good one.

No, I won't keep babbling. I need to go home.


Amy said...

Seriously, I hate the whole fundraising crap. Like I don't have enough to do? People, this is WHY MY KID IS IN PRESCHOOL! BECAUSE I AM BUSY!

EJ Willingham said...

Ugh. We've got one of these for our ELEMENTARY SCHOOL at the end of March. Public school, no less. And the thing is, we are the po' folk in this district, which has an astronomically high median income (all the city's zillionaires live out here). There's no way in hell we're going to outbid these people. But that also makes it OK for us to go...we're never going to have to spend a dime because we won't win a single auction.

my word to type in is fylanqz. I think that must be Basque.

Jordan said...

Yes. I will be grateful when both boys are in one school - all this fundraising stuff for two schools is totally over the top.

Niksmom said...

Geez, it would be so much simpler if they simply raised tuition for the private schools and/or told parents at public schools, "BTW, you're going to have to shell out $$X for additional supplies this year." Even when Nik was in preschool we had the pressure of candles and bake sales and frozen pizza sales...UGH!

Anonymous said...

I know it's anti-social, I know it's immature, I know it isn't the best approach, but...I ignore it. Seriously, I simply ignore all fundraising efforts. Am I the mom other moms hate? Probably.

Jordan said...

I wish I ignored it. I prefer to just write a check and be done with it...the lazy woman's approach. I can't take all the committees, the guilt trips from the moms who get involved and "do it all" and are soooo exhausted...JUST TELL ME HOW MUCH AND I'LL WRITE A DAMN CHECK!!

Jordan said...

Oh and PS? I don't think we won anything. There were two items we bid on, neither of which we were particularly invested in, and we left without finding out.

Unknown said...

Okay here's the deal. Just because it's Monday doesn't require YOU to be the materialistic one. Let one of us carry the burden :-)

Ours is a'coming....

Shannon said...

Yikes. I am even more grateful than I already was that my child attends a small-college-town co-op nursery school where the fundraiser events are a $10 per family school carnival in the fall and a $15 per family spaghetti dinner in the spring.

Jordan said...

Yeah, believe it or not, this is a very low-key neighborhood co-op. I think it's a matter of the school having grown rapidly in the last year without a commensurate increase in tuition to cover the costs that has led to this huge fund-raising requirement. We weren't warned of it and it's not their usual MO.