Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Lyle Goes 'Round the Sun

Today was my monthly "assist day" at Lyle's co-op nursery school. It also happened to be the day we chose with him to do the school's little birthday celebration "Lyle goes 'round the sun" since he has a summer birthday and wouldn't otherwise get to do it. They don't do treats (ever!) but let the kids sit on a plastic cut-out of the sun and sing a little tune about how they've gone 'round the sun again. It's very cute and although Lyle is not totally comfortable with being the center of attention, he was looking forward to it.

Here are a few photos I took while there today:

Lyle at the writing center.

Learning that blue and yellow paint makes green!

Reading stories with Daddy at the end of the morning.
(We also had our teacher conference after school.)

Lyle going 'round the sun!


Niksmom said...

Such a cutie-patootie!

Anonymous said...

No treats? Thank god for you and your cupcakes vc

Great photos. As Niksmom says, cutie-patootie, indeed.

Becky said...

Amen to the cutie-patootie comment -- and thanks niksmom...I never knew how to spell that!

Anonymous said...

Cutie-patootie, indeed! :-) And I love the going 'round the sun idea. Very nice!

Drama Mama said...

Now that is one happy little guy.

What's with the no treats ever thing?


Jordan said...

You know, it's funny. For all my "eat cupcakes, it's your half birthday!" ways, I'm happy that his preschool doesn't get into it. I am going to venture a guess that since a) they can't have homemade treats at school and b) they are the most strict nut-free school I've ever heard of, it's considered unsafe to bring in store-bought cupcakes and such b/c I think those are not always guaranteed to be safe for the kids with allergies. Not sure, but it's a guess.

But they also have lots of super health-conscious families who aren't all "eat cupcakes it's your half birthday", and so maybe that has as much to do with it as anything else. I don't know. But in the end, I figure he gets enough treats for a 3-year old and it's fine not to set up that expectation for school quite so early.

Jordan said...

Okay, okay, and right now I'm going to nip this in the bud before Christopher can say it - yes, I know - how can they be a nut-free school if they let *us* in?

There. It's been said.

floating in space said...


Christopher Tassava said...

Oh, man. Beat me to it. That's what I get for not checking my RSS feeds last night.

Honestly, though, I probably would have skipped making such a remark because I really did want to comment on how cute Lyle looks on his sun! That's a cool little tradition. Even if nobody's sugared up.

Life As I Know It said...

Aw, what a cutie! We just registered my son for preschool for September. Can't believe it.
Not sure about their policies yet, but at my son's elementary school they aren't allowed to bring in any treats at all for birthdays. Instead they get a pencil and a hat...

tulipmom said...

What a great day! Thanks for sharing the photos.